Designing Dreams Fashion Show 2011 ~ Visuals

Elegance, style and flair. The 2nd Annual Designing Dreams Show, was a memorable night for charity and couture. Designing Dreams was held at the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium, it was amazing to see a 90-foot runway with vibrant backdrop, projections screens, models, and sexy music. Visao Media played a part to bring a little bit of the magic by programming music and creating an array of couture visuals for the show. This was the first time our music would be along side, Sacramento Opera singer, Carrie Hennessey and pianist, David Lee.

Designers: Tiana Vega, Yennie Zhou, Shirali Singh, Melissa Kay, Vasily Vein, Janelle Cardenas, Samuel Parkinson, Maisha Bahati, Nelli Rosh, Aya Yoruha & Diane O., Violetta Vieux