The Komplex by Alex Trujillo

Alex Trujillo - Art - Alex-T - Visao

Here’s a new art installment by Alex Trujillo. “The initial design idea was leaning towards cubism, using a combination of line work and airbrush. The final piece has gold iridescent gold in the black areas and is finished with a high gloss.”_A

Upcoming works will include art deco/cubism/futurism: sexy robots, trains, architecture, industrial & metal design, graphic design, typography. Shows coming soon in Sacramento.

Jon Trujillo ~ Design Process Book

Instructing at design and art schools, like most courses we include the ever so crafty process manual, that explains your thoughts and process of projects throughout the course. Time to time we get a chance to see creative talents unfold or skill sets practiced. One of our students, Jon Trujillo, created numerous works. Trujillo showcased nice typographic choices, simplistic ideas and great craft. Jon would discuss his conceptual ideas with us before he attempted any objective. See images: Process Manual, printed on book cover and hand bound. Constructivism poster and letterform studies to come as soon as he sends me the PDFs.

Yulia Brodskaya ~ PAPERgraphic

Yulia Design 01

Yulia Design 02

Anxiously waiting for spring to return, we found something fitting for the seasons change. Luckily for us, the exquisitely detailed works by Yulia Brodskaya have done much more than remind us that sunny weather is just around the corner, her works opened our eyes and reminded us that beauty IS in the details.

Born in Moscow, Yulia moved to the UK in 2004 to follow her creative instinct and study textile painting, origami, collage and fine art. Her blend of typography, paper and highly detailed illustrations set her on a pedestal all her own. Her work has been featured by Starbucks, Nokia (in Spain), Blender Magazine and New York Times Magazine, just to name a few. Yulia welcomes the hybrid of illustration with graphic design to create a masterpiece that is truly something worth looking twice at.

One of the most important elements of her designs is the fact that you can see the organic hand-made quality in everything she produces. For those of us stuck behind a keyboard all day, we should remember that beautiful things can be created the old fashioned way. So maybe put the mouse down and pick up a colored pencil and see what happens when you engage with the surface of your paper. CREATE!

Alex R. Trujillo – Design/Art

Alex R. Trujillo
Here’s a recent work by our very own Alex R. Trujillo. Alex says he used a calligraphy pen with a fat nip tip, india ink and painted laying the canvas down to prevent drips. Alex strives to do something new and refreshing each time. Alex should stop going out so much and do more ART!!

Alex works as our designer here in Sacramento, raised in Vacaville, California.

Alex’s Myspace
Alex’s Works

Pablo Alfieri – Playful

Pablo Alfieri, is an Argentinian graphic artist who’s Playful interpretation for his love of design has grown into a personal gallery for his poster and printed works. This 3D typographer uses geometric shapes suspended in space with lush color, bursts of energy and soft to edgy color gradient fades and solid fills. Alfieri has been featured in ComputerArts UK Magazine.

You can check out his Flickr photostream here.